Northwest Now
Violence Against Asian Americans
An old problem re-emerges
Northwest Now
An old problem re-emerges
Northwest Now
A city on edge.
Northwest Now
The case that has shaken Tacoma.
Northwest Now
History in the context of a troubled today
Northwest Now
The intersection of education and race with UPS' Dr. Dexter Gordon.
Northwest Now
Working for peace in an era of increasing hate.
Northwest Now
The importance of history in the context of today.
Northwest Now
The black experience through the lens of history
Northwest Now
She challenges the conventional wisdom.
Northwest Now
Taking on a difficult topic.
Northwest Now
Former members talk about the past and present of civil rights activism.
Northwest Now
A generational look at the struggle for civil rights.
Northwest Now
The Race and Pedagogy comes to Tacoma.
Northwest Now
The issues surrounding the troubles in Ferguson, Missouri.
Northwest Now
Where do we go from here?
Northwest Now
Local leaders work to address educational issues.
Northwest Now
An effort to bring police, policy makers and the public together in Tacoma.
Northwest Now
Is I-940 an important element of Police reform?
Northwest Now
Seattle's former top cop on police reform.
Northwest Now
Meet Isiah Crawford.
Northwest Now
We sit down with Tacoma Public Schools Superintendent Carla Santorno.