Kilmer and Reichert - Dec. 20
Discussing the upcoming session in Congress.
Discussing the upcoming session in Congress.
A small town unlike any other in Western Washington.
Veterans work to make a successful return to private industry.
KBTC convenes local organizations and educators on American Graduate Day.
Puget Sound traffic is a mess.
The new "Go West" exhibit at the Haub Family Gallery.
As coal demand increases in Asia, so do the shipments.
The threat of concussion and TBI.
Meet Sara Ioannides.
Voters decide on gun control measures I-594 and I-1591.
The outbreak and the risks of opting-out of vaccinations.
Voters consider Initiative 1351.
The Race and Pedagogy comes to Tacoma.
The issues surrounding the troubles in Ferguson, Missouri.
A strategy for college savings.
An innovative solution for those without furniture.
Local leaders work to address educational issues.
Living in Western Washington is no picnic.
Attacking the 'skills gap' through the SkillsUSA event.
Washington's Attorney General.
The Puget Sound region continues to heat up.
Coming to a port near you.
Is the legislature working to ensure your right to know?
The next generation of Innovators.
A well known killer harms thousands.
Celebrate national Wear Red Day.
The former Seahawks Quarterback talks Superbowl and coaching.
Where do we go from here?
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler & state schools Superintendent Randy Dorn.
One of the most controversial and misunderstood educational initiatives ever.